
Incorporation Document


It is the responsibility of all club participants to follow the Club’s policies with regard to their behaviour and use of the range. The safety requirements below include, but are not limited to the following;

A visitor or non-member to the club who undertakes any shooting activity must be a Temporary Member of Archery Australia. Ensure that all come-n-try participants have signed the Temporary Register Book.

Shooting Safety

  1. The shooting line will be controlled by our instructor.
  2. The Instructor will blow the whistle to load your bows and shoot
  3. When everyone has finished the instructor will blow the whistle to put down bows and collect arrows. Everyone must move together. Shooting will not commence until everyone is back on the shooting line.
  4. If there is a dog or person that crosses the shooting line, all archers must lower their bows and wait for the instructor to ensure that it is safe to shoot again. The instructor will blow 2 whistles in such instances to stop immediately.
  5. Everyone must stay together on the shooing line which is the edge of the concrete path. Do not step back or forward of this edge to shoot.

Arrow Safety

  1. Due to Covid-19 rules, archers who are not in a family group or reside in the same household must only collect their own identified arrows.
  2. When carrying arrows back from the targets, ensure to hold the arrows towards the front end. There is less chance to hurt oneself.
  3. When pulling arrows our of targets, hold them as close to the front of the arrow as possible. Do not pull arrows out from the back end, as it may damage the arrow and pull the target forward.
  4. Running close to the archers and archery range is not safe.
  5. 3D animals must be placed on the level part of the archery range (ie, not up the hill) to avoid the risk of arrows skidding off or archers overshootingd.

Bow Use Safety

  1. Our archery field is located in a public space and all archers must be aware when people are walking on the top field close to our bunting line.
  2. Bows are not permitted to be pointed high towards the trees as an accidental release may cause an arrow to reach this area and potentially injure passers-by. Best to aim no higher than the top of the target.
  3. Bows must never be drawn back with an arrow fitted unless the bow is pointed toward the targets and the field of play is clear of archers and officials, pets or passers-by.
  4. Bows loaded with arrows are not to be pointed at any person.
  5. Bows must never be shoot without on arrow, this can damage the bow limbs.

Personal Safety

  1. Archers should not wear loose clothing that may become ensnared in the bow and walking barefoot is not permitted.
  2. Always ensure that you have sufficient water and use sunscreen and a hat in hot sunny weather.


  1. It is important that we have regard for others while shooting
  2. At the end of each session, please assist the instructor in putting away the equipment.


Click here for COVID-19 Risk Assessment

Click here for COVID-19 Safety Plan

Click here for Risk Management Plan

AGM Minutes





Click here to access the Sydney Bowmen Archery Club Constitution


Policy- Thursday Afternoon Shooting